The Genius Square Game.
Roll The Dice & Race Your Opponent To Complete The Square!
The aim of each of the 62,208 possible puzzles is to complete the square using the nine coloured shapes, once the seven blockers have been positioned. There may be times when it seems impossible, but there will ALWAYS be at least one solution… and that’s why it’s called The Genius Square!
Each player receives a Genius Square grid (two are included) and a set of nine coloured shapes, plus seven blocker pieces. Roll all seven of the dice together and place a blocker piece into the squares matching the seven co-ordinates that appear on the dice. Now race your opponent to fill every other space on the grid using the nine shapes.
There are 62,208 possible combinations in which the dice can fall. Using a specially devised computer programme, we have confirmed that all of them have at least one possible solution. Some combinations will be easy to solve, some much harder. It’s all in the luck of the roll of the dice.
As soon as somebody finishes first, roll the dice and play again! You can play alone and challenge yourself against the clock!
- Game of arranging shapes onto a grid the fastest.
- Encourages spatial reasoning skills, logic, problem-solving, critical thinking.
- Roll the dice to determine where to place the blockers - There are 62,208 possibilities!
- Race to arrange your 9 game pieces onto your grid.
- First to successfully place all their game pieces onto the grid wins the game.
- Includes 2 Genius Square grids, 2 sets of nine colored shapes, 2 sets of 7 blocker pieces and set of 7 dice.
- Detailed game rules and instructions included.
- 1 - 2 players.
Ages: 6+